Retraction Statement


The authors of the article

Sun M, Zhang X, Meng Q, Dong Y, Zhang G, Rao D, An X, Yang Z, Pan L, Zhang S, entitled
“Interleukin-35 Expression in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer is Associated with Tumor Progression” [Cell Physiol Biochem 2018;51(4):1839-1851, DOI: 10.1159/000495706]

have requested retraction on the following basis:

The authors have asked a third-party company to help them complete some basic experiments when they prepared the manuscript. In May they found their paper was questioned on PubPeer. They queried the company at once and realized this company may be untrustworthy. By a rigorous scientific attitude, they now decided to withdraw this manuscript with great pity.
The authors sincerely apologize to all readers and all the staff involved in the publication of this manuscript including editors, reviewers and publishers.